Monday, November 25, 2013

Thanksgiving Time - GUT!

Elder Hoggan has been inspired with 25 things that missionaries should know. President Miles and Sister Miles instructed those in attendance at zone conference to continue working with members and encouraged them to show a DVD so members can set up their own mission plans.

Elder Young and Elder Hoggan were not transferred. Elder Seamons left for Vienna. Elder Jerman will train a new elder who will, no doubt, have a positive experience living with these tremendous missionaries.

Angelina is 14 and has set a baptismal date! She is from a part member family. Her sister, Michaela, may soon join her and has shown interest in being baptized into the church.

Victor was baptized! Elder Hoggan was a witness and felt blessed to be there Saturday. This was one of the best moments and will be unforgettable. Elder Hoggan said the opening prayer, heard Victor share his testimony following his baptism, and was reminded of the story of how the missionaries met up with Victor not so long ago.

Elder Hoggan was fed a Thanksgiving dinner after helping a family move. They played games and each person shared what they were thankful for.

Highlights in the mission field keep coming to Elder Hoggan. The miracles never end! 

Monday, November 18, 2013

A Nice Surprise!

Victor is getting baptized! Elder Hoggan knew it would happen one day and he couldn't contain his excitement regarding this great news!

A new change for "Hastening the Work" is that President Miles has given the missionaries one hour of internet access during the week. People are more willing to give out their email addresses than phone numbers.

Goals have been set for baptisms before the end of the year. This will require more obedience, more faith, more hope, and more miracles. Elder Hoggan and the others are optimistic and excited for the weeks ahead.

A less active family, the Familie Dos Santos, are meeting with Elder Hoggan and Elder Young. Now is their time to shine! The husband is a member, the not his wife. They have a lot of potential.

A cool miracle occurred when a gentlemen was given a Book of Mormon and gave his phone number to the Elders. This man didn't seem to have any interest upon the first visit, but more so on the second. Elder Hoggan and Elder Young realized that people are not always as they seem. Others can't be judged before getting to know them.

Elder Hoggan's funny story for the week was getting hit by a car. His sweet mother did have a heart attack and fell to her knees in gratitude. He was bumped into on a busy street and flopped on the front of the car. Got up and kept walking. Elder Hoggan says it was a good experience. Oh, my! He's got many, many angels with him constantly.

Goose was a delicious meal for Elder Hoggan! A kind member prepared the meal and filled up the missionaries. What a nice sister to give them such a feast they will never forget.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Window to Heaven

Elder Hoggan continues to have great weeks, even though the numbers don't show how much the work of the gospel is progressing in Rosenheim. He always has cool experiences.

He, Elder Young, and the ward mission leader have a new finding idea. It's "Window to Heaven" and they do it weekly. First is the prayer and then they look at the map of their area and talk about what stands out, what would be best.

Another prayer is given asking the Lord if that particular area is where they need to concentrate their labors on. If they feel good about it, they choose a time, pray again, and find out if that is where the Lord wants them to be.

A fourth prayer is offered when they are all agreement and they ask the Lord to please put people in their path. It's a simple process and has been amazing thus far.

Recently, the knew to go to Raubling. There were a fair, or good, amount of individuals there who wanted to hear the gospel message. 

This is a humbling way to go about the Lord's work. It doesn't matter what we want or what the missionaries think would be best. It's all about what the Lord wants and miracles follow this awesome process.

Last week brought a mix of good and bad. Every appointment that feel through, was when Elder Hoggan and Elder Young discussed how things don't go according to plans. If life was always good, no one would appreciate those times. There is opposition in all things and happiness helps us overcome sadness.

Elder Hoggan met Bobi and Vezna. Bobi is preparing for the priesthood. They were baptized earlier this year and enjoy working with the amazing missionaries!

Sister Unterharer, a LA member, was expecting a baby, but the little one came too early and passed away. Her mother, an active member of the church, suggested she call the Elders for a priesthood blessing. No more than 5 minutes passed when the Elder called her! This all happened before Elder Hoggan arrived in Rosenheim, but now he is able to teach her the Plan of Salvation. Also known as the Plan of Happiness. 

What a blessing this plan affords us! Life isn't easy, but we will be able to see loved ones again one day.

Elder Hoggan loves the members in Rosenheim and they can't believe how fortunate they are to have him in their midst! Last Sunday, was another amazing day for the Elders. A member family had them over and relationships are being established.

Each day, Elder Hoggan feels more and more at home. Ingolstadt was so kind to him and now Rosenheim is welcoming him with open arms. He is so thankful to be in this new area.

He closed his letter with, "Have an amazing week. Remember, sharing the gospel is a PRIVILEGE! Not a burden!"

-M. Russell Ballard

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Happy Halloween! Even though they don't really celebrate it here...

Elder Hoggan wishes everyone a very Happy Halloween! He didn't have any trick or treaters, but still had a blast by carving a jack-0-lantern from an apple. The festive Elders also wore orange ties that day.

That last week of October, plans with appointments were thwarted unfortunately. People forgot and cancelled. There are many potentials, but they need to meet with the Elders and have lessons to help them progress in the gospel. Next week will be more eventful.

Hard days come, but it wasn't always easy for Christ or the pioneers. Elder Hoggan closed his letter by reminding us that God is always there for us and we can't ever forget that.

Another monthly package has been sent to our favorite missionary, Elder Hoggan! He will receive candy, gum, Australian goodies, Thanksgiving treats, pictures, a Christmas tree, gum, muffin mixes, and a missionary stocking. Inside that Christmas sock is a very special card and gift from Grandpa and Grandma Turner.

At FHE, loved ones wrote letters to missionaries in our family. That letter for Elder Hoggan was recently mailed to Rosenheim. Enclosed, were emails from many friends and cousins who are also serving missions around the world. 

Elder Hoggan's family still continues to love his cardboard cutout in the garage! He welcomes and greets us as we enter the house, making us smile. His thumbs-up reminds us to be happy and to return with honor. We are so very proud of him!

Emailing back and forth has been fun on Monday mornings! Now that he has moved and has been transferred to Rosenheim, we can visit and chat from a Southern Germany cafe. What a blessing! Only 50 days left until we can skype with Elder Hoggan!!