Monday, February 23, 2015

The Final Countdown!

Elder Hoggan isn't sure what to email. Should he tell us about his week or his whole mission experience? Should he wait and tell us in person? ;) Here is a brief summary of his amazing week with Elder Samuelson.

They got to the Porsche Museum. The attached picture will be the car that he will have with him when he flies home on Friday. They made him a deal that he couldn't pass up ;) The museum was super cool. Steve will never have enough money to own a Porsche if he wants to have an eternal family, haha. Maybe he will drive one someday.

Sunday was Elder Hoggan's farewell testimony/talk about his experiences and things he has learned. Three main thoughts, along with scriptures, are what he shared about his mission.

1. Trust in God and Jesus Christ. See 2 Nephi 4:16-24; 34. Steve has come to love 2 Nephi so much on his mission and has learned to really trust in Him. Times came when Elder Hoggan wasn't sure what to say, what to do, or was scared. He pushed forward, with much prayer, and always made it through. We will ALWAYS make it through with God on our side. We can trust him for He is the only one who will never let us down. Just when we think that we can't go any further, He gives us the strength and the help that we need to make it through.

2. Elder Hoggan has come to love his Savior. See Alma 5:14. Steve has tried to have the Savior's image in his countenance. Can we say that we have received His image in our countenance? Can others see that we love Jesus Christ and represent Him through our reactions and actions? No one is perfect, but Steve has tried to develop the love that Christ has for us and   has tried to know the Savior better. One thing that Elder Hoggan will miss dearly is the chance that he has had to testify to people he barely knows that Jesus Christ is their Redeemer and that He loves them. Steve knows this to be true and will still get to say it, but not full time. He will keep trying to have His image in his countenance.

3. Elder Hoggan has a stronger testimony of the Book of Mormon. See 2 Nephi 33:10. This is one of Steve's favorite scriptures and is one of the foundations of his testimony. It really is the word of God! You cannot read the Book and not know that it is from Him! It gives powerful testimony of Christ, and anyone who honestly searches the book will come to know that it is true if they read it with an open heart and real intent. Steve knows that the Book of Mormon can change people and it really truly has changed him.

A lot of goodbyes have been said and more will happen this week. Elder Hoggan is super booked with appointments this week and is so torn about coming home. It's truly a strange feeling. It's as if he is dreaming and will wake up soon to still have a year or 6 months left. This is reality and he's excited to come home to his family and American food! It will be cool to watch sports again and all that Jazz (ha). 

Steve will never forget the time he has had there and will miss the German people he has served. They may be a proud and direct people, but Elder Hoggan loves them! He is so thankful to Heavenly Father for the chance to be there and to learn. Learning will continue as Steve moves forward. The Gospel is the ONLY way to true happiness in this life and in the next. This is Elder Hoggan's testimony.

He closes with gratitude for all of the love and support he has received and felt on his mission. It has truly helped him.

God bless us all!

Elder Steven Hoggan
Alpine German-Speaking Mission

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